The Centre is manned by volunteers and relies on them to assist with various events at the Centre. 

Our events help to fund the ongoing operating costs of the Arts Centre.  We are desperately in need of willing volunteers who can spare a bit of time to help out

We have lots of role for volunteers:

Meet the artists open evenings for new exhibitions: welcoming people into the exhibitions and offering a drink.

Music events:  Taking tickets, selling and serving drinks. (Over 18's required to serve alcohol)

Other events during the year.

Volunteers to help in the café serving food, clearing tables during the daytime

Annual Open exhibition:  Taking in and returning artwork in the Centre, helping with hanging and labelling of artwork,

We are currently planning a gift shop which may also require volunteers.

If you are interested in finding out more about volunteering at the Centre please call in to the Centre and ask for Judith or Emma, or ring Sue on 07762331368.