Glyn Davies
The love of being out in the landscape, immersed in nature & the elements, seeking peace and solitude is what it's all about for me.
I'd be lying if I said I'd be lost without my camera because I wouldn't be - I'd be lost without the landscape though. I do enjoy the creative outlet that photography offers me mentally, but my images have to be about portraying the landscape as I see it, not as a computer can make it. I do very little work in PhotoShop, basically just adjusting the contrast for more accuracy than a camera supplies. I never crop my images - what you see is exactly what I composed in camera, a discipline I've adhered to since working with plate and medium format cameras.
Light is everything in my work. I love the theatrical nature of 'momentary' lighting that can occur in certain weather conditions, and the emotional / spiritual feeling it stirs within me. I've been to some amazing landscapes in the world but if the light wasn't right, I didn't take photographs - I simply enjoyed the landscape for what it was instead. There is nothing more humbling than being alone in the landscape with tumultuous clouds swirling above me, and the elements beating on my skin. That's when I feel most alive
Glyn is a multi-award winning professional photographer based on Anglesey. As a youngster Glyn drew & painted before taking a Fine-art Foundation Course at Falmouth School of Art, followed by an Honours Degree in Photography, Film & TV at the University of Westminster. He started free-lancing in 1987 after graduating, shooting commercial, industrial & editorial work for national clients & private customers but he always retained a love of photographing wild places. He taught photography at Bangor University for twelve years.
In 2002 Glyn established his photographic gallery on Anglesey and concentrated on personal landscape work. He was a specialist B&W printer in wet darkroom days but remains a print perfectionist even in the digital era.