Thursday 20 July 2023 - Thursday 31 August 2023
Wabi Sabi Cold Wax & Oil Workshop
Weekly from July 20th to August 31 (6 weeks excl. 3rd Aug) on Thursday's 7-9 pm
Cost: £15 pp per class. All materials provided.
Level: Suitable for beginners & more advanced
Take a journey into creating and painting intuitively with cold wax and oil paint under the guidance of professional tuition.
During this course you will learn how to:
Make your own cold wax medium and combine this with oil paints and other mediums.
Create luminous, transparent and textured layers, incorporate pattern, collage or add embedded objects
To book your place contact Midge on 07808944550 (text) or email
Please note: places are limited, so please book early

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