Sue Hancell 2023


Threatening clouds looming on distant hills, shafts of broken light streaming through cracks in blue grey skies, fleeting shadows creeping over fields of grain and grass, serene seas and savage storms, endless panoramic skies, the lace work of shapes, leaves, and trees.

The unpredictable shifts of colour enhanced or drained by weather and seasons.

These things take my breath away.

I become compelled create these images.

My mood affects my response to the changing moods of the day.

And so, the struggle begins.

I become preoccupied by the question; how can I best transfer this image that onto a surface? I get excited by experimenting by trying different mediums, the joy of the serendipitous process thrills and frustrates me.

I can never do justice to these things I see, feel, and experience but my obstinate determination will never let me give up.